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"I have returned"

2024 June 04

11:45pm to Midnight (No accident it ended at midnight)


Yes, my son, it is I.  I have returned to complete the work I began with TeeBeb.  To complete the chapel.  I announced would be built in Lockport, the Miracle of the Rosary Chapel.  The Time of Great Distress is quickly upon this country and indeed upon all the world.  Great are the sins of humanity.  Not since the Time of the Great Flood have perversity, sin, and denial and rejection of God reach such levels.  But for the faithful few, it is Hell on Earth. Be not discouraged my son.  I have not abandoned nor forsaken you.  I am with you always.  Remain faithful to my work entrusted to you.  Be at peace. Go with God’s Blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

This Cannot Happen!

2024 June 28

MDuring a 2pm Divine Mercy Chaplet

During the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I was looking at the crucifix we have on our wall. The wall began to disappear as it was replaced by the vision of the world. The world was slowly spinning with God's hand below it.  Then, the world became engulfed with fire.

Here, I was shown closeups of each continent. Every content was enveloped within different types of flames. I do not have the words to describe the more than demonic hatred I was shown. Armies were fighting. People were being tormented, attacked. So much horror I cannot begin to explain the sheer demonic presented before me.

We must pray, sacrifice, and repent. We must face this evil with prayer, love, sacrifice, and acts of repentance.  We must pray for our souls and the souls of our priests and religious.  We must pray for those in danger of hell. It was truly hell on earth.  Let us pray Our Lady may mitigate what I was shown. Pray with all sincerity and repentance for this not to happen. This cannot happen! Pray for the King of Peace to reign in all of our hearts.   Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, we trust in you.

Request From a Previous Day
Our lady asked me to do something she asked only once many, many years ago. She asked me to return to each of the nearby cathedrals on Thursdays to attend mass and pray the rosary for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is  the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus Christ. 


2024 February 01

My children,


I call you to be at peace. The world is filled with chaos. But your hearts should be at peace. There is great discord in the world. Satan has sewn the seeds of division, but my son Jesus has called you to unity and peace. Do not succumb to discord and division, but be children of peace and unity. I love you and I bring you to love. The love that is my son, Jesus.

Be at peace. Go in the peace of God.


2023 December 25

My Dear Children,


Behold God’s great love for you. To come and take form in flesh and blood, to live among you and even to give His life for love of you.  My children, what has God done but exhausted His love for you, having laid His life down for you.  Behold the darkness that intends to eclipse the light of God in the faithful.  Fail to persevere in the path illumined for them by the Almighty.  Let today rejuvenate your faith as you behold the child Jesus resting in His mother’s arms.  Even as you behold Jesus resting in the monstrance throughout the world today.  Behold Jesus anew and be renewed.  Open your heart and soul to the Holy Spirit that you may see more clearly your God who exists among you.  Go in the peace of God to bring His love to all. 

Go with the blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I Have Been Calling to You

1992 October 24

My child, I love you.  My children, it is as I have told you.  You have now entered that period of time, when God will be glorified.  During the first seven years of this Mission, you knew the joy of my Heart.  During the last seven years the Mission bore the cross in union with my Son.  Now in the seven years that follow, the Mission will come to reflect the true glory of God.


My children, listen to me, while there is still time.  The events that I have been announcing to this generation are on the verge of being brought to fulfillment.  Indeed you are already beginning to experience them. 


My dear children, my heart is breaking.  My tears flow in torrents at the sufferings you will be called to endure.  Accept them with a deep faith.  It is only the immolation of souls, souls called to share in the suffering of Jesus, souls called to shed their blood in atonement for the sins of the world, that can satisfy the demands of Divine Justice.


My little one, again I call to you and to all my children, give me your love. I call for you to live your consecration to me and to my Son.  I ask for your complete and total abandonment to my Immaculate Heart.


My children, throughout this century, I have been calling to you, pleading for you to amend your lives and return to God.  Now I announce to you that time is near completion.  Let those who believe in the one true God gather near to Him before all the tabernacles in the world.  Let everyone prepare to render an account of their lives to Almighty God.  The Hour of Mercy has nearly passed and Divine Justice is fast approaching.  In Truth, I tell you, it has already overcome the world.


My little one, offer no resistance; I call for your complete resignation.  Go, my child, where I call you, to complete the work entrusted to you.  It is not for vain glory but to give glory to God that all things are brought to completion.  Have no fear.  Everything is in the Hands and Heart of the Most Hight.  Be at peace. God in the Peace of God. Thank you for your great Love.

Love and Mercy

2023 June 2nd Week

My son, be not disturbed, but go forward in faith and with a heart filled with love and mercy.  Great are the hardships soon to befall humanity.  Only God can tend to their needs.  Be at peace and witness this peace of God through your life that all may praise God and glorify Him.  Be at peace. Go in the Peace of God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Be Not Discouraged

2023 June 04

Yes, my son, it is I.  I have returned to complete the work I began with TeeBeb.  To complete the chapel.  I announced would be built in Lockport, the Miracle of the Rosary Chapel.  The Time of Great Distress is quickly upon this country and indeed upon all the world.  Great are the sins of humanity.  Not since the Time of the Great Flood have perversity, sin, and denial and rejection of God reach such levels.  But for the faithful few, it is Hell on Earth. Be not discouraged my son.  I have not abandoned nor forsaken you.  I am with you always.  Remain faithful to my work entrusted to you.  Be at peace. Go with God’s Blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

From the Past, Unknown

Unmarked Time Periods

From 2008, the 28th of an Unknown Month

An angel came to Darrell and said demons would be trying to get people to go against the Miracle of the Rosary Mission.


From the 17th of an Unknown Month and Unknown Year – Assumption is 2008

Darrell had a vision during 12:00pm Mass. He saw our Lady on a very big white horse.  On each side of her was 2 horses smaller than hers, but still big.  They had angels on them and behind them were legions of angels and people, an army. Later that day, during adoration, he saw our Lady standing on the side of her horse, holding the reign.  She was giving them to Darrell.  After Darrell put his head down, and Our Lord said arise and be not afraid.

I have Not Abandoned You
nor The Father Forsaken You

1992 September 29

My child, I love you. Have no fear my little one.  What God, the Almighty, has decreed will be fulfilled.  Even now, what the Father has decreed approaches.  Be at peace.  Leave with the peace of God in your heart.  Make known to all the directions I have given you, that my children may pass through this danger safely under my mantle of motherly protection.

My child, these events take place for the greater glory of God to fulfill the plans for the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.


My child, I have not abandoned you nor the Father forsaken you.  See how with great love we continue to instruct you, to lead you in the Way of Holiness.  Again, I call to you.  I call for your complete and total abandonment to my Immaculate Heart.  In this way I can bring you swiftly and safely into the Most Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.


My little one, great is the task entrusted to you; great must be your response.  Do not be seduced by my adversary.  Live your consecration to my Immaculate Heart and through me to our God, to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


My child, my children, Remain with me in constant prayer.  How great is the sorrow and suffering of my heart.  Pray! Pray! Pray that the Most Hight, even at this late hour, may relent for all my children, especially those who are furthest away, for those who have no one to call out to them or to pray for them.  I am your Mother. I love you all with the Immaculate Love of my heart, the very Love of God.


Pray that mankind may heed these warnings.  The Divine Justice of the Most High is being poured out upon humanity, upon the world, upon all creation.  It is through the outpouring of the Blood of my Son, the blood shed through His mystical body, that the Church will be purified and renewed. Cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, creation will truly reflect the glory of God as was meant to be.


Pray my children. Hear my plea. Heed my call to conversion.  Come to the refuge of my Immaculate Heart, under the Mantle of my love.  Pray! Fast! Make sacrifices for poor sinners.  Gather near to my Son, to Jesus in the Eucharist.  I call to all who have faith.  Surround Jesus with your adoration.  Console Him with your love.  Protect and defend Him through the profession of your faith by your presence before Him.


My children, this is the Time of Battle, the Trime of Triumph, the Time of Victory.  These are perilous times, dangerous times for many.  Have no fear.  Remain near to me and to Jesus.  Great is the suffering the Church is called to, but ever greater is the glory to God.


My children, I love you.  I gather you into my heart.  I pray for you. With the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless you. Thank you for your great love.

Raise Your Heart and Mind to God

1992 October 07

My child, I love you.  Recall again today the time of your conversion.  Renew your consecration to my Immaculate Heart.  Raise your heart and mind to God.  Life up your prayer to me.  Pray the rosary!  This is the weapon that will bind satan!  This is the weapon that will defeat error and apostasy!  This is the weapon that will conquer evil and sin!

My children, put on my armor, the brown scapular; take up my weapon, the rosary, and in the Light of Faith and with the strength of love, enter into battle, and join in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, I, the Lady of the Rosary, Mother of God.

Pray the Rosary!

1992 October 13

My child, I love you.  Recall today my presence at Fatima.  Though I am eternally present before the Holy Trinity in the Kingdom of God, I am coming to you in these times in an extraordinary way, a substantial way.  The request I made of humanity through Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco were to bring mankind to an awareness of the effect of sin in their lives and throughout the whole of creation.  Sin affects mankind in time, not only in eternity.  It has consequences in man’s relationships with his brother in this life, not only with God for eternity.


I am calling to all my children: Return to God!  In an extraordinary and unprecedented way, God allowed the great Miracle of the Sun.  Not only as proof of my presence, but even more so, because of the importance of the message conveyed to mankind and its urgency.  The message of Fatima has not, as of yet, been fully understood and accepted.


My children Pray! Pray! Pray for your priests whose responsibility it is to shepherd you in these times.  Pray for the Church as she ascends Calvary, where the Lord of Host will accept Her immolation for the salvation of souls.


Pray, for poor sinners who lost in the darkness of these times are on the road to perdition, a road that leads to eternal damnation.


Pray, my children, on this anniversary of the Great Miracle of the Sun at Fatima; that I may intervene again in an extraordinary way, that my Immaculate Light may pierce the darkness that surrounds you and brings you to the only true light of Faith and to eternal life with God.

Pray that you may receive the graces necessary to respond to my call.


Pray the rosary!  Pray the rosary!  Pray the rosary!


P.O. Box 394, Raceland, LA 70394-9998

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